Peer Wellbeing Support Course For Facilitators

Empower peer supporters with this comprehensive facilitator’s course, merging proven strategies from the Science of Wellbeing with practical peer support techniques. 

Designed by leading experts, this course equips facilitators to train effective Listeners, integrating advanced insights from mental health and well-being. Participants will learn to foster core values such as respect, compassion, and empathetic listening within their groups. 

This course not only enhances the facilitators' ability to guide others but also deepens their understanding of how to cultivate positive emotions and empowerment among peers.
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$125 Regular Price
NOTE: The regular price enables us to provide students with an affordable option.
Student 80% Discount


Special Student Price
NOTE: This is the student price. It is well below the cost of production and maintenance. Students should use the coupon code: STUDENT80

Trusted Worldwide
Featured in UK Parliament Early Day Motion

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What People Are Saying

The Hear to LIsten" (Peer Well-being Support Initiative) was not only beneficial for those who used the service, but also for the Listeners. My proudest achievement within my university experience was completing the Science of Happiness training and joining "Hear to Listen."

SHAUNA O'HARE (4th year student, Northern Ireland)

An initiative of a group of psychologists and educators dedicated to the advancement of scientific knowledge about happiness and depression prevention.


The Hear to Listen team not only provided essential wellbeing support to students using the service, but it also created a vast and diverse network of student volunteers who listened to and supported one another’s wellbeing.

(4th year student, Scotland)

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About The Team

Narration & Production
Marie Cooke, PhD., Glasgow
Mark K. Setton, D.Phil., Oxon.

Research Team
Paul Desan, PhD, Harvard
Anthony Arciero, PhD, George Mason
Saira Qureshi; MA, LMHC
Miguel Toribio-Mateas, PhD Middlesex

Video Editing
Fahim Nirob

Questions? Call 631-762-4506‬‬

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